This is a platformer which involves luck, a submission for the GMTK Game Jam 2022.


1) The health bar: This bar consists of 5 hearts, one heart representing 2 HP each, half a heart representing 1 HP each. The level resets when you get to 0 HP (can happen if you fall into the V O I D)

2) Dice: This is the part of the game where luck is involved. When you collect them, you gain from -3 HP to 3 HP (you gain from negative a heart and a half, to positive a heart and a half.)

3) Spikes: These can do 4 HP, 5 HP, or 9 HP. (Totally not a bug)

4) Fall Damage: Fall damage comes from falling from a high place and hitting the ground too hard. The higher the place, the more damage. To be specific, fall damage is taken when you hit the ground with a y velocity of -8 blocks per second. The amount of damage in HP (1 HP is half a heart) is the y velocity in blocks(remember, it's negative) + 7.5, rounded down (You take more damage, not less)


The Casino Platformer 36 MB
The Casino Platformer 27 MB

Install instructions

For Windows, expand the .zip and run the .exe. For MacOS, expand the .zip and run the Application.

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